Central Asia - Best in travel - 2020


Lonely Planet  has compiled a rating of the best places to travel in 2020-Best in Travel, dividing it into 4 categories - regions, countries, cities, and favorable offers.
In the first category, the publication recommended its readers to go primarily to the Central Asian region, in particular to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, through which the Great Silk road once passed.

The Kingdom of Bhutan takes the first place in the category “countries”, and Salzburg – in the category “cities”.

According to Lonely Planet, the Central Asian region is in the centre of international attention due to its historic cities, bustling bazaars and unique landscapes. The legendary Silk Road, passing through this territory, attracts more and more lovers of adventure and new routes every year.

The publishing house also indicates that Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan has introduced or simplified a visa-free regime for many countries of the world.

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